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Melton: Jewish Medical Ethics – A 21st Century Discussion

Wednesday, April 23
7:00 PM EDT -8:15 PM EDT

Cost: $190 for 10 sessions


Gefsky Community Scholar Rabbi Danny Schiff

10-Session Series: Wednesdays at 7:00 PM, Mar. 5, 12, 19, 26, Apr. 2, 9, 23, 30, May 14, 21.

$190 for this 10-session series.
Wednesdays at 7:00 PM, Mar. 5, 12, 19, 26, Apr. 2, 9, 23, 30, May 14, 21, 2025.
Please Note: No class on Apr. 16 or May 7.

Human cloning. Genetic identity. Assisted suicide. Surrogacy. This 10-session course explores the positive, negative, beneficial, and detrimental aspects of the new technologies in the medical field and the wisdom Judaism offers us in our encounters with them.

The Florence Melton School of Adult Jewish Learning™The Florence Melton School of Adult Jewish Learning™ engages adult learners in a life-enhancing study of Jewish texts and ideas that nurtures and deepens Jewish community worldwide.

Classes are generously supported by the Elaine Belle Krasik Fund for Adult Education.





Ilana Schwarcz

Full inclusion is a core value of Jewish Pittsburgh. Please discuss accessibility accommodations with the contact person for this event.

The cost of taking a course is never a barrier to participation. If price is an issue, please contact the organizer of this course, so that we can make the cost comfortable for you.

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