Five Stages of Post-Octorber 7 Grief: Personal & Biblical Reflections
REGISTRATION: Follow this link: Registration closes May 5.
COST: Event cost is $18/meal for an individual and $54/meal maximum for a family.
SPONSORSHIP: To make this program accessible, the costs are highly subsidized. Please consider making an additional contribution so that we can serve more people now and in the future.
HOW TO PAY: Payments can be made one of three ways: Venmo to @Peter-Braasch. 2) Credit card payment to the Kulam Philanthropic Fund at the United Jewish Federation’s Community Foundation. MAKE SURE that you DESIGNATE the “Kulam Fund.” Follow this link 3) You can mail a check to the Jewish Community Foundation (2000 Technology Drive, Pittsburgh 15219). Make check out to “Kulam Fund.”