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Sunday, May 5
12:00 AM- 11:59 PM

PowerNET 2024: Amplifying Our Impact Together

In-Person Event

Cost: 1,080

NJHSA brings PowerNET 2024 to Pittsburgh!

The Network of Jewish Human Service Agencies was formed in May 2017 when the two leading Jewish services associations – the Association of Jewish Family and Children’s Agencies (AJFCA) and the International Association of Jewish Vocational Services (IAJVS) – joined forces.

The Network is an international membership association of more than 150 non profit human service agencies in the United States, Canada and Israel. Its members provide a full range of human services for the Jewish community and beyond, including healthcare, career, employment and mental health services, as well as programs for youth, families and seniors, Holocaust survivors, immigrants and refugees, persons with disabilities and caregivers.

The Network strives to be the leading voice for the Jewish human service sector. As the go-to resource for advocacy, best practices, innovation and research, partnerships and collaborations, The Network strengthens agencies so they can better serve their communities.


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