Did You Hear?

Highlights from Argentina, Volunteerism, the State Budget Crisis: Shabbat Shalom

I have three topics this week I want to highlight.  Please accept my apology for writing a slightly longer message than usual. 1. Last week, I joined a group of Jewish Pittsburghers on a mission to Buenos Aires.  I am not going to write a travelogue, but I do want to share some highlights and takeaways. […]

Shabbat Shalom and Happy Chanukah

Sunday night, the Jewish world will begin the holiday of Chanukah. Our agencies have been and will be “getting their Chanukah on.” I know that the Chanukiah(some refer to it as a menorah) will be lit in the Jewish Association on Aging and Riverview Towers Facilities for the hundreds of our seniors who make their homes there. […]

Channeling Outrage Into Productive Ends

A horrific attack in Paris. An attack targeting Jews in Marseilles. An inspiring Federation event for alumni of the Melton program with 150 in attendance. Several terrorist attacks targeting Jews in Israel. Our staff “mitzvah day” volunteering at the Greater Pittsburgh Food Bank. Other terrorist attacks in different countries. A great event sponsored by South […]

Making a Difference, One Person at a Time

There is so much I could write about this week since a great delegation participated in the Jewish Federations of North America General Assembly in Washington DC that had many memorable moments. Pittsburgh was in a position of prominence as many of our Federation’s initiatives were highlighted at several sessions.  To get a taste of […]

Weathering the Storm until a Budget is Passed

There has been much in the press about the lack of a Pennsylvania state budget and the impact that has on the nonprofits that serve some of the neediest in our midst.  This budget impasse impacts many of our Federation agencies that work in the social service area.  Our Federation made an offer to all […]

Shabbat Shalom

“Talk the talk and walk the walk”.  This expression is used to say that if you are going to say something you actually have to believe and do it.  Our Federation leadership has been talking about our commitment to Jewish identity building and Jewish education for many years.  And, I think we have done some […]

Shabbat Shalom

It’s hard to pick just one memorable moment from this frenetic week to highlight.  There was the opening of the new Holocaust Center space on Sunday with a huge crowd in attendance including, most importantly, our local Holocaust survivors.  The first session of this year’s Wechsler Young Leadership program began with an overview of the […]

A Hope for Quiet in Israel

The news from Israel has been so disturbing this past week.  I kept reading about each terrorist incident targeting Israelis and Jews.  This violence has shaken all of Israel.  Our national organization, the Jewish Federations of North America, sent an update yesterday to the Federation system reporting: In one tragic attack, gunmen shot and killed […]

Supporting Our Survivors

A news story came out in the JTA (Jewish Telegraphic Association) entitled, “Obama Administration Earmarks $12 Million for Holocaust Survivors”.  The article goes on to say, “The allocation from the Department of Health and Human Services to the Jewish Federations of North America, to be disbursed over five years…” I invite you to click here to read the […]

Shabbat Shalom

While sitting in my synagogue during Yom Kippur services, I reread the “Al Cheyt” prayer in English. As you probably know, during this prayer we ask for forgiveness for the transgressions WE have made. They are recited in the plural, not the singular. It is done so because we are a community apologizing for our […]

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