Did You Hear?

A Snapshot on YOUR Federation

A snapshot on your Federation: The 2015 Annual Campaign now sits at $12.3 Million towards our $13.7 Million goal. We have secured $4.9 Million in EITC funds for our Jewish Day Schools and Jewish preschools, a $600,000 increase over last year. Our Foundation has added over $23.5 Million in new and additional funds, already exceeding our goal […]

Coming Together for Tikkun Leil Shavuot

This week’s Parsah, Bamidbar, has a description of the twelve tribes and how their camps were structured. While each tribe had its own location where it’s members lived, they all shared in something important, being members of the Jewish people. Saturday night begins the holiday of Shavuot, one of the three pilgrimage holidays in the Jewish calendar. […]

Do You Have to be a Millionaire to Set Up a Fund?

The Post Gazette printed an insert magazine on Thursday titled, “In the Lead”.  While nearly all of it is dedicated to the private and public businesses of our region, one page talked about nonprofits.  On that page, there is a list of “Top Foundations”.  This list is not ordered by asset size, but by the […]

What Does It Mean To Be a Leader

Leadership is all about….leading. I’m really proud of a meeting that took place this week in our offices on McKee Place.  Many Federations across the country use the same database and website platform.  The product we are using is relatively new to all of us.  It has incredible capabilities.  Our marketing and Information Technology (IT) […]

A Marathon Week of Activity at Federation

It’s been a marathon week of nonstop activity. At the beginning of it, over 30 Pittsburghers who graduated from the Wexner Heritage Program as well as recipients of the Wexner Fellowship descended on Columbus, OH to celebrate the Wexner Foundation’s 30th Anniversary.  This wasn’t just a party of 1,200 people from around North America and Israel, it […]

Policy on Anti-Semitism in Europe

The Jewish Delegate Assembly of Greater Pittsburgh is greatly concerned by the spate of anti-Semitic incidents, including terror attacks, riots, violent assaults and the desecration of synagogues and other holy sites that have occurred in in Europe in the last year. The CRC recognizes the EU and the State Department’s definition of Modern anti-Semitism.* The […]

Policy on Genetic Testing and the Jewish Community

Research shows that a quarter of the Jewish population carries at least one of the many preventable Ashkenazi Jewish genetic diseases (AJGD) – and the list is growing rapidly. The Jewish Healthcare Foundation (JHF) is the original funder and provider of community education about AJGD and supporter of appropriate pre-conception screening opportunities in Pittsburgh. The […]

Yom Ha'atzmaut Continues in the South Hills This Weekend!

I remember in the late 1970’s, my parents saved up enough money to take their first trip to Israel.  When they returned, they gave me and my siblings gifts.  I remember I was given a t shirt that said “Israel Is Real”.  I know it sounds a little corny today, but it was a big […]

Honoring Holocaust Victims, Fallen Soldiers, Israeli Independence, and So Much More

Passover ends and immediately the activity in the Jewish community starts to move at a frantic pace.  The number of events, programs and meetings is beyond belief and is a testament to the kind of engaged and interested community we have. I would only mention one such event from this past week, the Yom Hashoah […]

We Do So Much, So Well

A quick story about something that happened to me this week… My daughter is participating in a teen trip to Israel this summer.  I called the office of the organization running the trip to let them know that our Federation subsidizes every teen going on a teen trip to Israel (when you have attended a […]

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