Ways to Pay
There's More than One Way to Pay Your Pledge

Thank you for making a pledge to the Community Campaign!
Although payment in full on your pledge is not due until December 31, we want to make you aware of the various ways you can pay your balance.
Paper statements are mailed September, November, December, February, April and June.
If you prefer to receive a paper bill less frequently, please contact Donor Services at 412-992-5226 or DonorServices@jfedpgh.org.
Checks can be mailed to:
Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh
2000 Technology Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
For recurring payments contact Donor Services at 412-681-8000 or DonorServices@jfedpgh.org.
You do not need a PayPal account to pay by credit card via PayPal.
Wire transfers of cash, stocks, bonds & mutual funds. Initiate the trade with your broker, then let us know it's coming.
Donate crypto assets in their original token form.
Transfer from your Philanthropic Fund in the Jewish Community Foundation.
Have you remembered the Jewish Federation in your will?