2022 Campaign Leadership Match

We’re helping your light shine brighter by matching donor increases!

We’re thrilled to announce this $82,000 Leadership Match to help us double the impact of the 2022 Community Campaign. The rules are simple. Every new pledge of $1,000 or more OR donors making increases of $1,000 or more to the 2022 Community Campaign will be matched dollar-for-dollar until the $82,000 match is exhausted!

Imagine telling your donor that their increase can have DOUBLE the impact it normally would. Twice as many meals for hungry families, masks for senior care employees, and supplies for Jewish day schools and daycares—it’s an easy solicitation!

  • Example 1: A donor who gave $1,000 in 2021 and who gives $2,000 in 2022 will have an additional $1,000 increase matched by this leadership match.
  • Example 2: A donor who gave $8,000 in 2021 and who gives $10,000 in 2022 will have an additional $2,000 increase matched by this leadership match (and become a major donor).
  • Example 3: A non-donor or lapsed donor who gives $1,000 will have the entire $1,000 matched by this leadership match.

Matches Work!

  • For example, in 2019, we had a $25,000 match during Super Sunday and actually raised over $38,000 in new dollars that day just by using the match during each call.
  • Introduce this match during EVERY solicitation. You won’t get what you don’t ask for. People are inspired by having their donations matched – ask them to consider an increase of $1,000 or more. Matches work!

Questions? Contact Alexis Polakoff, Director of Community Campaign, at apolakoff@jfedpgh.org or 412-992-5237.

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