Security Update

From the Federation Security Team

Please Be Aware

Swatting campaigns have targeted multiple synagogues across the country. Since July there have been at least 40 Jewish organizations targeted. Learn more from Secure Community Network.

Hardy Lloyd’s detention hearing was rescheduled for Aug 30th at 10am.  He remains in custody. We will provide a status update after his hearing.

Security Matters in the News This Week

BluePoint Status

As we prepare for back-to-school, please review your current contact lists in BluePoint. If changes are needed, please contact Erin Fagan at

Our BluePoint training video and refresher video are available on YouTube. These are useful for new staff or as a reminder for existing staff.

Security Resources and/or Training

Please schedule your training needs for the year as soon as possible. Our schedule is filling up quickly.

Threats and Risks Under the NSGP

NSGP Webinar Series
Thursday, February 13 @ 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM EST

To help your organization prepare to apply for NSGP funding in the FY2024/2025 season, SCN is hosting a series of informative webinars with security and grant professionals to guide your organization through the NSGP process. All webinars will be held from 2:00 to 3:15 PM ET.

Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP) Webinar Series

NSGP Webinar Series
Thursday, March 13 @ 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM EDT

To help your organization prepare to apply for NSGP funding in the FY2024/2025 season, SCN is hosting a series of informative webinars with security and grant professionals to guide your organization through the NSGP process. All webinars will be held from 2:00 to 3:15 PM ET.

De-Escalation Training

Please contact Erin Fagan at or 412-992-5252 to schedule this training.

Situational Awareness, Active Threat, and Usher/Greeter Training

If you or your organization have not yet had these training modules, please contact Erin Fagan at or 412-992-5252. All can be made available in person or via Zoom.

If you need more Emergency Safety Procedures Flip Charts contact Erin Fagan at or 412-992-5252.

Thank you to our Corporate Security Partner

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