Security Update

From the Federation Security Team

Please Be Aware

Several Jewish organizations throughout Pennsylvania, including Pittsburgh, were targeted with hoax bomb threats this week. Law enforcement is investigating. Please see below article for more information.

April 15 has been designated a Strike for Gaza Day which will include a 21-city Coordinated Economic Blockade to Free Palestine. This effort is calling for the disruption of businesses, “no work, no school, no spending.” This is being held on April 15, Tax Day, to symbolize that tax dollars being collected this tax season are used to support genocide in Gaza.  Pittsburgh is not one of the cities named in this event, but Philadelphia is.

The Jewish Federation has launched a Virtual Block Watch Program, a volunteer network that can be called upon to provide residential or business video surveillance footage to help prevent, deter, and possibly solve crimes. The program is entirely voluntary and is designed to keep our community safe through collaborative efforts. We are starting this program in Squirrel Hill and will look to expand it from there. For more information, please visit our Virtual Block Watch page.

Year to date in 2024, the Jewish Federation has logged 86 incidents in our Virtual Command Center. This compares to 29 for the same time period in 2023. We remain in a heightened threat environment and are working closely with law enforcement to monitor potential threat activity.

Security Matters in the News This Week

BluePoint Status

Please review your current contact lists in BluePoint. If changes are needed, please contact Erin Fagan at

Our BluePoint training video and refresher video are available on YouTube. These are useful for new staff or as a reminder for existing staff.

Security Resources and/or Training

Guardian Training

Please contact Erin Fagan at or 412-992-5252 to schedule this training.

Situational Awareness, Active Threat, and De-Escalation Training

If you or your organization have not yet had these training modules, please contact Erin Fagan at or 412-992-5252. All can be made available in person or via Zoom.

Request Training for Your Organization →

If you need more Emergency Safety Procedures Flip Charts contact Erin Fagan at or 412-992-5252.

Thank you to our Corporate Security Partner

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