Establishing Our Cuba Conexión

This week, I’m handing the keyboard off to Emma Renfrew, our Women’s Philanthropy & Engagement Manager. Emma writes:

Last week, I had the privilege of staffing the Cuba Conexión Women’s Mission. Over the course of five days in Havana, our group of nearly 60 mission participants was immersed in the history and present-day reality of Cuba’s Jewish community. We also had a taste of the quintessential tourist experience: salsa lessons, daiquiris and rides in classic convertibles.

I think many of us believed we had a realistic sense of what conditions would be like in Cuba. We knew there was a great deal of poverty, and we understood that financial donations and physical essentials gifted from missions like ours—(over-the-counter medications, basic first-aid supplies, toiletries and more)—are crucial to the Jewish community.

The reality we saw was not better or worse than our expectations, but it was different. I don’t know that any of us could have predicted how we would feel at the Jewish cemetery and Holocaust Memorial; certainly not how we would feel hearing a participant speak about the Jewish value of Zikaron (remembrance) before we recited the Mourner’s Kaddish. Nor did we know that the Shabbat service on Friday would be led—since there are no rabbis in Cuba—by three local teens whose passion and dedication were obvious for all to see.

The Cuban Jewish community is barely a fraction of the size it was at its height, numbering somewhere around 700 where it was once 24,000 strong. With the passing of older community members, it becomes that much harder to maintain. There has also been a trend among younger families to make aliyah (emigrate to Israel). The need for funding is desperate and grows ever greater with inflation. Although the community receives funds and services through the American Joint Distribution Committee (JDC)*, the needs outpace the resources.

It is impossible to predict what the future holds for the Cuban Jewish community. What I know for certain is that it was an honor to have contributed to its support in some small way here and now.

*Community Campaign funds are designated to international partners including the JDC, which then distribute funding to vulnerable Jewish communities around the world. Donate today to help those in need.

Shabbat Shalom.


Want to get involved in Women’s Philanthropy? Contact Emma Today!

Emma RenfrewEmma Renfrew
Women’s Philanthropy & Engagement Manager

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