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Wednesday, February 19
8:00 AM EST - 9:00 AM EST

Major Donor Briefing with Hillel Fuld

Virtual Event

Cost: No fee



By Invite Only.

In this special briefing, join Hillel Fuld in an engaging discussion moderated by H. Arnold and Adrien B. Gefsky Federation Community Scholar Rabbi Danny Schiff. Hillel Fuld will discuss the technology sector of Israel and how the current political/war climate impacts it.


Hillel FuldHillel Fuld
Dubbed Israel’s top marketer, Fuld works with leading tech entrepreneurs, investors and visionaries to accompany them on their journey from idea to revenue. Hillel’s work is published on some of the world’s top tech publications including TechCrunch, Venturebeat Inc., Entrepreneur, The Next Web, Business Insider and more, bringing Israel’s energetic tech scene to life. He collaborates with leading global brands including Google, Oracle, Microsoft and Nike.






Katie Metosky

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