In just a month, the Federation’s Young Adult Division will hold its annual Campaign event entitled “Stand Up for Giving: Make Pittsburgh Laugh Again”. Professional comedian, Noah Gardenswartz (who has appeared on Last Comic Standing, Conan and Comedy Central) will be performing. At the same time, we will be highlighting the miraculous work accomplished by Federation and giving every young adult in attendance the opportunity to support the 2017 Annual Campaign.
Why do I write about a social evening that is still a month away? These moments that combine fun and meaning and bring Jewish young adults together have the power of connecting so many more to our Jewish community. Knowing that many who read my messages are not part of this age cohort (22-45 year olds), why would I write to you? Because you have the power and ability to help spread the word and encourage as many to attend as possible. You can pass along my message to your friends or relatives or post a link to our webpage with all the information on your Facebook page, Twitter or Instagram feeds. Imagine if every person who reads this passes it along to just two young adults. Imagine what impact that could have on each of those who attend and on our community.
The website with all the information can be found here:
You really can help connect a young person to Jewish life in Pittsburgh. Attending Stand up for Giving might just be an entry point that leads someone to deeper engagement in our Jewish institutions and in their own personal Jewish journey.
Shabbat Shalom.