Federation is Everywhere

I see Federation everywhere.

When this week’s Pittsburgh Jewish Chronicle arrived (now being sent for free to every identified Jewish household due in large part to support from the Federation), I read a story about the Pittsburgh visit of the Israeli Consul General for Israel. Federation put together the public gathering with Dani Dayan and several other private meetings.

Then, I looked at my Facebook feed and there was a photo from Community Day School with the following post:

“Today we bid “Buon viaggio!” to Community Day School Admission Director Sarah DeWitt as she embarks on a 10-day seminar in Italy with 12 early childhood professionals from across the Pittsburgh region led by Carolyn Linder. In Italy, Sarah will deepen her understanding of the pedagogy of the Reggio Emilia Approach and connect her learning to the values and content of our Early Childhood program at CDS.”
Local participation in the seminar was made possible thanks to the generous support of The Dr. Solomon and Sarah Goldberg Memorial Endowment Fund of the Jewish Community Foundation of the Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh.
Next, I read a post in the “Jewish Pittsburgh” group on Facebook with the announcement that the Derekh program of Congregation Beth Shalom is bringing in the Israel group, Yonina, in November. Partial funding for this came from several sources but one of the major ones was the SteelTree Fund of the Jewish Federation.

When I drove down Murray Avenue in Squirrel Hill, I saw a sign at the future home of the Seymoure and Corinne Krause Commons of Jewish Residential Services. Right there on the signage is the Federation’s logo.

Everytime I pass by Riverview Towers, I see that a giant mound of dirt has been removed and a new parking lot has been developed. Federation worked with government officials and donors to secure funding to make this a reality.

Federation is like that slogan for Intel that says “Intel Inside”.  We are “inside” our day schools, synagogue religious schools, the JCC, Jewish Family and Children’s Service, the Jewish Association on Aging, Riverview Towers, the Hillel Jewish University Center, Penn State Hillel, Moishe House and JBURGH, the teen activities at the JCC (the Second Floor), PJ Library, the Jewish Community Security DirectorFederation’s Israel Scholarship Program, the Diller Program, and so much more.

Federation is everywhere.

Shabbat Shalom. Go Steelers!

P.S. We are expecting well over 300 people this Sunday at our Jewish Community Foundation Fall Event featuring Pittsburgh’s own Bari Weiss, Editor and Writer for the New York Times op-ed section.

Stay Informed


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