Free Books. Free Books!

PJ Library

Last week’s Jewish Chronicle covered a Jewish Telegraphic Association (JTA) story about the powerful impact of the PJ Library program.

Our Federation has been funding this incredible program in partnership with the Harold Grinspoon Foundation for many years. With over 1,300 current subscribers locally, the impact has been profound. While this article shares nationally aggregated data, we have received our own Pittsburgh-centric results and our impact is just as strong.

In addition to the books, the Federation funds staffing at the JCC to engage families who participate in the PJ Library program in Jewish life. Again, we have great metrics not only for the number of people who have participated in this programming but also about the number of people who have participated more than once. We are looking to achieve both breadth and depth.

Do you know someone who should be receiving PJ Library books (families with children ages 6 months to age 8 are eligible)? If so, please send the families to our website,, where they can click through to sign up.

This is just like those old television commercials: There is no obligation. And the books are totally free!

Shabbat Shalom.

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