Give Now to the Fund for Victims of Terror

Fund for Victims of Terror

Help those affected by the attack at Tree of Life*Or L’Simcha, Dor Hadash and New Light

Affected families
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Donate to the Fund for Victims of Terror

Our hearts are broken. We join in mourning the victims of the attack in our community. We also pray for healing, for those who were injured and for all those among us whose pain is beyond measure. We all face tough times in the days, weeks and months ahead, but know that Jewish Pittsburgh will come together to comfort people in need of healing and to stay strong.

Funds collected for Our Victims of Terror are earmarked for the psychological services, support for families, general services, reconstruction, additional security throughout the community, medical bills, as well as counseling and other services that may prove necessary for victims and first responders during their recovery. Our religious and day schools will also most likely require additional resources to help our youth process this tragic episode. This fund will help both the Jewish community members and the first responders affected.

If you prefer, you may mail a check payable to the Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh – Fund for Victims of Terror to:

Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh
2000 Technology Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15219

Thank you for support of the victims of terror.

Origins of Donations to the Fund for Victims of Terror

Donations by State Donations by Province

Becca Hurowitz

Associate Director
Campaign & Misisons (412) 992-5226

David Guzikowski

Donor Services Associate (412) 992-5255

Have a Question?

Ask Dave for general donation questions.
Ask Becca for corporate and foundation giving.

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