Super Sundays!

Last week, I wrote about Super Sunday taking place this Sunday (January 31st). Our turnout is looking terrific, but we still have some limited space in our afternoon and evening sessions. If you haven’t signed up yet, please do so here.

Sunday, February 7th will be our first Snowbirds event of 2016 in Longboat Key, FL. That will be followed by an event in Naples on Monday, February 8th and in Boca Raton on Wednesday, February 10th. Rabbi Danny Schiff, our Federation Scholar, will be our featured speaker. If you are going to be in Florida at that time and would like more information, please contact our Foundation offices at

Our Federation with the support of some very generous donors launched what is called “South Hills Jewish Pittsburgh”. This effort is aimed at reaching out and engaging more Jews in the South Hills in Jewish life. Since its inception, new programs have launched and other existing programs have received support to help them grow and achieve more.

On Sunday, February 21st, from 1-4 pm at the South Hills JCC, South Hills Jewish Pittsburgh is hosting a Jewish Camp Fair. Over a dozen Jewish camps and a few Jewish travel options for teens have agreed to be present to show what they do and how they do it. This is a great opportunity for EVERYONE from our region, not just the South Hills, to learn about the options available for their children. In addition, a representative from the One Happy Camper program, funded by the Papernick Family and the Centennial Fund for a Jewish Future, will be available to discuss how first time overnight Jewish campers can receive $1,000. For more details on the Camp Fair, please click here.

It’s clear that during the next several weeks, there are many Sundays that are Super, being kicked off by Super Sunday. Our Federation doesn’t need the NFL to make Sundays so important!

Shabbat Shalom.

Stay Informed


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