A Snapshot on YOUR Federation

A snapshot on your Federation:

  • The 2015 Annual Campaign now sits at $12.3 Million towards our $13.7 Million goal.
  • We have secured $4.9 Million in EITC funds for our Jewish Day Schools and Jewish preschools, a $600,000 increase over last year.
  • Our Foundation has added over $23.5 Million in new and additional funds, already exceeding our goal by $5 Million.
  • Our Allocations process is almost complete after a year of hard work.
  • Our Federation has developed a new template and mechanism to better track our budget.

    I usually talk about the impact of what the dollars we distribute enables in and for our community, both in Pittsburgh and around the world.  Once in a while, it’s worthwhile to take a step back to talk about our financial and planning accomplishments (I only listed a few) and just “kvell“.

All of this is the result of hard work by great volunteers and staff.  I want to thank each of them for what they do through their investment of time and their expertise.

Shabbat is a day of rest so I hope all these staff and volunteers take advantage.  Sunday begins a new week!

Shabbat Shalom.

Stay Informed


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