Community Tikkun Leil Shavuot

I wrote about this a few weeks ago, but with the holiday of Shavuot beginning on Tuesday night, I would be remiss to not again promote our community wide Tikkun Leil Shavuot. Shavuot celebrates the Jewish people’s receiving of the Torah. Because of that, the tradition is to stay up all night long studying Torah.

Our community conducts our “Tikkun” AS A COMMUNITY. With a series of study sessions taking place at the JCC in Squirrel Hill commencing at 10 pm and running until 1 am, we have lined up teachers and Rabbis representing all the streams of Judaism. Special thanks to each of them for giving of themselves so generously.

I hope you will join me at this extraordinary demonstration of unity and of commitment to Jewish learning. Whether you come for just an hour or spend all three with us, this is something not to be missed, and we have free cheesecake. Read about all the topics and teachers.

Wishing you a Shabbat Shalom, an early Chag Sameach for Shavuot and a Happy Memorial Day as we remember all those who gave their lives for our country.

And….Keep the Cup! Go Pens!

Stay Informed


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