JPro Professional Development Workshop
Our intention is to discuss what it means to build a trauma informed workplace, then dive deeper into what this means in the exact moment in time for those of us who are facing the challenges of working through this conflict in Israel and the implications that it has on our workplace culture. This workshop will focus on creating an intention that our workplace will be somewhere that employees can thrive
- Brief introduction
- Icebreaker questions by table
- Data slides: what is trauma, what does it mean to be trauma informed
- Information about the Caring for the Caregiver research done by Ray Engel and Danny Rosen
- Key Aspects of a Trauma Informed Workplace
- Discussion about the Current Climate
- Resources to use in the future
Maggie Feinstein
Director, 10.27 Healing Partnership
Maggie is the director of the 10.27 Healing Partnership. She is a master’s level professional counselor who has distinguished herself in the field of integrated mental health. Maggie has presented at professional conferences on topics of juvenile justice reform, collaborative health care, and now the impacts of violent extremism.
Kari Exler
Assistant Director, Edward and Rose Berman Hillel Jewish University Center
Kari graduated from the University of Pittsburgh with her Masters in Social Work, during which she worked with Hillel as the MSW intern. Kari received her B.A. in Sociology from DePaul University before moving to Louisville, KY to work as the Jewish Youth Director at the Jewish Community of Louisville.