Inspired and Energized

I haven’t written in several weeks and during that period our Federation has had a ton of activity. Our Annual Campaign crossed $7 Million, making this one of the quickest paced campaigns in my 18 years here. December resulted in millions of dollars in contributions to our Foundation. The cash donations we have been working to secure for the Educational Improvement Tax Credit program that benefits scholarship needs at our Day Schools and Jewish preschools have started to be collected.

Mitzvah DayThe dollars are not the ultimate goal of our work, but rather, what we do with those funds. One such activity that Federation dollars enables is our Annual Mitzvah Day that took place on December 23 and 25. This year we broke all previous records with over 1,200 volunteers at 115 different locations across our region. This was a logistical feat managed by our Federation’s Volunteer Center. I visited several sites over the two days and witnessed ourMitzvah Daycommunity members doing real work and making a real difference. From the South Hills Interfaith Ministries where volunteers sorted donated clothing, to a United Way sponsored activity at Hillel Academy, to making sandwiches at the JCC and making lasagnas at Shaare Torah for our Squirrel Hill Food Pantry, I was inspired and energized. Whatever I was feeling, I know the volunteers felt in an even stronger way.

Thank you for your support.  Wishing you a Shabbat Shalom and GO STEELERS!

Mitzvah Day

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