Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh Celebrates the State of Israel's 70th Anniversary at Yom Ha'atzmaut

The state of Israel is turning 70, and Pittsburgh is invited to the party. The Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh is hosting a community-wide celebration for Yom Ha’atzmaut, the 70th Independence Day of Israel, on April 19.

It’s from 4-8 p.m. at the Jewish Community Center in Squirrel Hill. All events will be outdoors, weather permitting. Admission is free, and food will be Kosher.

The public is invited to sing, dance, play, eat and celebrate Israel. Visitors can listen to Israeli hits, watch a live dance performance from Pittsburgh’s Partnsership2Gether regions of Karmiel and Misgav in Israel and help to paint a community mural, designed by artist Daniel Cascardo.

The celebration includes games for the kids like GAGA, Karmiel Caterpillar Catch, Cookie Decorating and PJ Library Story Walk.

Murray Avenue will close at 9a.m. between Forbes and Darlington Avenues and will reopen at 11p.m. There will be partial access to the streets for Darlington residents and St. Edmund’s Academy parents and students. All Darlington exit traffic will be directed onto Forbes via the St. Edmund’s Academy driveway.


  • 4:00pm Open Activities: Israeli dancing, Community Mural, Table Games, Moon Bounce, Face-painting and more
  • 5:00pm Israeli dancers perform
  • 6:00pm ISRABAND, an Israeli cover band
  • 7:30pm Teen Dance Party and Young Adult Trivia Contest

More Information and Media Contact

David Heyman David Heyman
Associate Vice President of Marketing

Stay Informed


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