Pittsburghers have a chance to learn about hate speech and hate crimes that occur right here in western Pennsylvania at an upcoming civil rights discussion sponsored by the Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh. The event will occur on Wednesday, June 13, 2018 from 7-8:30 pm at Congregation Rodef Shalom located at 4905 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213.
Representatives from the United States Attorney’s Office, FBI & State Police and other law enforcement agencies will discuss the laws that govern hate crimes and what to do when community members encounter hate speech. These first responders will present actual hate crime cases that have been prosecuted in Pittsburgh.
The Jewish Federation’s Director of Jewish Community Security Brad Orsini, who will moderate and present a “cross burning” case at the discussion, encourages the public to “say something when they see something.”
”We are very pleased to facilitate this important discussion on hate crime and hate speech. We are encouraging the community to report this behavior when they witness signs of hate, whether verbal, graffiti or on some online platform.” said Orsini. “It is important to be aware and report signs of hatred, as they can sometimes evolve into a hate crime.”
This event is free and open to the entire community. Middle-school and high-school-aged children are encouraged to attend and to listen to the civil rights experts. Various faith-based organizations will also join in the discussion.
If you plan to attend, please email Erin Wyland at ewyland@jfedpgh.org or call her at 412-992-5252, or register online.
Civil Rights Symposium
Hate Crime and Hate Speech
June 13, 7:00 PM