High Holidays of Hope Rosh Hashanah Squirrel Hill

JCC Levinson Hall 5738 Forbes Ave, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

JCC Center for Loving Kindness and a host of other organizations are collecting for and packing care kits to be shared with neighbors across the region who live with food and housing insecurity.  As the Jewish community celebrates the new year through the Rosh Hashanah holiday, all of us are eager to do good.  These […]

High Holidays of Hope Rosh Hashanah South Hills

JCC South Hills 345 Kane Boulevard, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

JCC Center for Loving Kindness and a host of other organizations are collecting for and packing care kits to be shared with neighbors across the region who live with food and housing insecurity.  As the Jewish community celebrates the new year through the Rosh Hashanah holiday, all of us are eager to do good.  These […]

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To view candle lighting times for locations other than Pittsburgh, visit Chabad.org.

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