Pirkei Avot—Illuminating Chapters From The Mishnah

A man reading a Jewish text

$85 for this 6-Session Series:
Wednesdays at 9:30 AM, May 1–Jun. 5.




The classic Jewish text, Pirkei Avot, is regularly studied in the weeks between Pesach and Shavuot. Part of the Mishnah, Pirkei Avot provides a wonderful insight into the observations and pithy teachings of some of the great sages of the Jewish tradition. In this class, Rabbi Schiff will teach Pirkei Avot through a contemporary lens. No prior knowledge is required.

Co-sponsored with Rodef Shalom Congregation.

Classes are generously supported by the Elaine Belle Krasik Fund for Adult Education.

The cost of taking a course is never a barrier to participation. If price is an issue, please contact the organizer of this course, so that we can make the cost comfortable for you.

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