Shabbat Shalom

“Talk the talk and walk the walk”.  This expression is used to say that if you are going to say something you actually have to believe and do it.  Our Federation leadership has been talking about our commitment to Jewish identity building and Jewish education for many years.  And, I think we have done some amazing things for our community.  This week, our staff began the process of actualizing the “walk the walk” for ourselves.

With our Jewish Community Foundation’s investment in engaging Rabbi Danny Schiff as the Jewish Federation Scholar, we have made the commitment of providing serious Jewish learning for our staff.  We kicked off 18 hours (a nice Jewish number) of Jewish study over the next year.  Our staff is incredibly talented and despite all of our skills, each of us can grow Jewishly.  Through these classes, we will gain deeper knowledge about Jewish history, text, culture and tradition.  As Jewish Communal Professionals, these skills will help us in our day to day work with each other and with the countless volunteers and donors with whom we engage.  As we work on issues of caring for our seniors, feeding the hungry, building a strong Jewish community, supporting those with disabilities, engaging people Jewishly, connecting to the global Jewish community and specifically with Israel,  and providing Jewish education, we will do so with a deeper grounding in Jewish thought, philosophy and ethics.

One hour down…seventeen to go!

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