Virtual Block Watch

Virtual Block Watch

A Community-Wide Effort

Be an active bystander and work in concert with your neighbors to prevent, deter, and, in some cases, solve crimes.

Virtual Block Watch
Israel Emergency Impact

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Israel Emergency Impact

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As of January 21, 2025

Security Update

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) issued a statement this week regarding potential changes to the threat environment following President Trumps press conference on its posture in the Gaza region. Spontaneous protests targeting Jewish community may occur.

We connect people to Jewish life in ways that they find meaningful. From day schools to retirement homes and from community centers to synagogues, we support a wide range of programs and institutions for people at all life stages.

We take care of community members experiencing hardships, and adapt to meet ever-changing needs so that each person can live with dignity.

We lead and support efforts that support a more just, secure and inclusive society, where we accept everyone regardless of their backgrounds, beliefs or identity.

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You make a world of difference

Your donations, your volunteer commitments and your plans for the future of Jewish Pittsburgh facilitated through the Jewish Federation benefit real people every day in your neighborhood and around the world.

Security Update
By Shawn Brokos | January 31, 2025

David Aul was arrested for allegedly smashing a storefront window on the South Side. There is an Israeli flag hanging right above where the window was smashed, and the store owner reports he has experienced previous harassment due to displaying the flag. Aul had previously been arrested in 2022 for harassing members of the Pittsburgh Jewish community in Squirrel Hill.

Establishing Our Cuba Conexión
By Jeff Finkelstein | January 24, 2025

This week, I’m handing the forum off to Emma Renfrew, our Women’s Philanthropy & Engagement Manager, as she discusses her time in Cuba.

Security Update
By Shawn Brokos | January 24, 2025

Pittsburgh City Council is proposing a referendum that the City cannot discriminate based on race, religion, national origin, or association with foreign nations when it conducts business. This is in response to the proposed anti-Israel referendum led by a pro-Palestinian group that seeks to have the city stop doing business with companies tied to Israel.


Security Update

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) issued a statement this week regarding potential changes to the threat environment following President Trumps press conference on its posture in the Gaza region. Spontaneous protests targeting Jewish community may occur.
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