Connect With Community at Tikkun Leil Shavuot

Thursday night ushers in the holiday of Shavuot when we mark the Jewish people’s receiving of the Torah. It is traditionally celebrated by eating dairy foods and studying Torah. We will feature both at our annual Tikkun Leil Shavuot.

Starting at 10 pm at the Squirrel Hill JCC (thank you to the JCC for the long-standing partnership), we will offer 22 different sessions to immerse ourselves in Jewish study. Those individuals teaching the diverse selection of classes come from our multi-faceted, complex Jewish community. Not only do I encourage you to attend and to bring your friends and family, I want to suggest that when you do, try to learn from someone you don’t know well. It’s a chance to expose each of us to new thoughts and ideas.

See the full lineup online.

Oh, and about the dairy products, we will be serving cheesecake!

This program brings together teachers and community members reflecting so many different corners of our Pittsburgh Jewish community. It is, unfortunately, not the norm in most North American Jewish communities. It reflects the cohesive Jewish community we continue to build and shows our Federation mission statement in practice: “Cultivate resources, connect people and collaborate across the community to live and fulfill Jewish values.”

See you on Thursday night!

Shabbat Shalom. Happy Yom Yerushalayim (Jerusalem Day). Happy early Shavuot – Chag Sameach!

Stay Informed


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