Our Jewish Future is Inevitable – Make it Bright!

I write today about our Jewish future and about two ways our Federation is looking and preparing for that destination.

Monday was the first Pittsburgh Jewish Community Scorecard Roundtable.  Approximately 65 volunteer and professional leaders in our community came together to review some of the findings in our first round of collecting data as part of the Scorecard (I invite you to click here to read more about the Scorecard and to see the first round of data from our communal agencies and synagogues).  In small table conversations, groups discussed the data to try to coalesce around a few key areas in which we, as a community, should focus energy.  It was a great process and should lead to good planning for our future.

On Saturday, December 13th, Shalom Pittsburgh (the young adult outreach arm of the Federation) will hold its annual Vodka Latke party.  Last year, approximately 450 young adults, most in their 20’s and 30’s, filled the venue at this great December event.   This really fun evening will bring our community’s future together for a fun night of socializing.  It will help to connect many people to the Jewish community and to our Federation.  It will also create and renew relationships and friendships for this important group of young adults.  Your job, if you are in the young adult age cohort, is to show up.  If you are outside of the age parameter, your job is to share the website link (http://www.shalompittsburgh.org/event-vodka-latke-2014) with anyone you know who is.

The future is inevitable.  If we plan for it, it will be as bright as can be for our Pittsburgh Jewish community.


Shabbat Shalom

Stay Informed


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