Unlock Your Heritage

Chabad of South Hills 1700 Bower Hill Rd, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

CKids Jewish Discovery Club  Ages 5-13  Aleph Champ master Hebrew reading, Installing Jewish Identity & Continuity, Holiday Experiences, Visual arts/Steam/Prizes/Fun Bar & Bat Mitzvah Preparation Sundays, September 2022-May 2023 Open to all No Membership required For more information contact mussie@chabadsh.com or 412-344-2424  

Event Series KesherKids x PJ Library Mini Shabbat

KesherKids x PJ Library Mini Shabbat

JCC Squirrel Hill 5738 Forbes Ave, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

All are welcome to join us for Mini Shabbat, a monthly gathering being hosted by KesherKIDS and PJ Library - together, we’ll welcome Shabbat with songs, candle lighting and, of course, grape juice and challah!  This monthly gathering is intended to ensure that the youngest ones have a regular opportunity to welcome Shabbat together, and […]

Unlock Your Heritage

Chabad of South Hills 1700 Bower Hill Rd, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

CKids Jewish Discovery Club  Ages 5-13  Aleph Champ master Hebrew reading, Installing Jewish Identity & Continuity, Holiday Experiences, Visual arts/Steam/Prizes/Fun Bar & Bat Mitzvah Preparation Sundays, September 2022-May 2023 Open to all No Membership required For more information contact mussie@chabadsh.com or 412-344-2424  

Unlock Your Heritage

Chabad of South Hills 1700 Bower Hill Rd, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

CKids Jewish Discovery Club  Ages 5-13  Aleph Champ master Hebrew reading, Installing Jewish Identity & Continuity, Holiday Experiences, Visual arts/Steam/Prizes/Fun Bar & Bat Mitzvah Preparation Sundays, September 2022-May 2023 Open to all No Membership required For more information contact mussie@chabadsh.com or 412-344-2424  

Zivug: Conscious Transitions into a Second+ Marriage


Join Rabbi Getzel and a cohort of other couples for a six-class series on love, partnership, and the conscious transition to a second (or subsequent) marriage. Second marriages end in divorce even more often than the first, so spending time visioning together and setting expectations can really help start a new marriage off on the […]

Dreaming with Rebbe Nachman


Come and dream along with Rebbe Nachman of Breslev and discover Rebbe Nachman’s most famous story “The Seven Beggars”. Rebbe Nachman would tell amazing stories, almost fairytale-like in their construction, filled with the most esoteric Kabbalistic symbolism. These stories mirrored his personal dreams and often can reflect our own. He was explicit that his stories […]

Unlock Your Heritage

Chabad of South Hills 1700 Bower Hill Rd, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

CKids Jewish Discovery Club  Ages 5-13  Aleph Champ master Hebrew reading, Installing Jewish Identity & Continuity, Holiday Experiences, Visual arts/Steam/Prizes/Fun Bar & Bat Mitzvah Preparation Sundays, September 2022-May 2023 Open to all No Membership required For more information contact mussie@chabadsh.com or 412-344-2424  

Zivug: Conscious Transitions into a Second+ Marriage


Join Rabbi Getzel and a cohort of other couples for a six-class series on love, partnership, and the conscious transition to a second (or subsequent) marriage. Second marriages end in divorce even more often than the first, so spending time visioning together and setting expectations can really help start a new marriage off on the […]

Thriftique VIP Preview Sale

Thriftique 125 51st Street, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Join us at our biggest event of the year where you can support the great work of the National Council of Jewish Women, Pittsburgh, shop green, and get a first look at all the designer clothing we've been saving for this occasion.

Submit Your Event to the Community Calendar »
For calendar support contact info@jewishpgh.org.

Audio hotline of upcoming featured events: 412-930-0590.

To view candle lighting times for locations other than Pittsburgh, visit Chabad.org.

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